
Everything You Need to Know About Lethality in LoL

Ever wondered how some champions in League of Legends seem to cut through enemy defenses? The secret might be in a powerful stat called Lethality. Lethality is a special stat in LoL that helps your attacks ignore some of your enemy’s armor. When you build items with Lethality, your attacks become more deadly against enemies who rely on armor for protection.

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What is Lethality in League?

Lethality in League of Legends is a statistic that represents flat armor penetration. When a champion has Lethality, their physical damage is calculated as if the target’s armor was lower than it actually is. This means Lethality helps champions deal more damage by effectively ignoring some of their opponent’s armor.

Unlike percentage-based armor penetration, Lethality is a flat value that scales with the attacker’s level. At level 18, Lethality provides its full value in armor penetration. For example, 10 Lethality at level 18 would cause the target to take damage as if their armor was 10 points lower.

Lethality is particularly effective against targets with low to medium armor values. It’s a popular stat for assassins and other champions who want to quickly eliminate squishy opponents. Multiple sources of Lethality stack additively, allowing champions to build up significant armor penetration over the course of a game.

It’s important to note that while Lethality makes the target’s armor seem lower for damage calculations, it doesn’t actually reduce the target’s armor stat. This means other effects that depend on the target’s armor value aren’t affected by Lethality.

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How to Counter Lethality in LoL

Countering Lethality is relatively straightforward. Lethality is most effective against champions with low armor, often referred to as “squishy” champions. Tanks and other champions who naturally build a lot of armor don’t need to worry as much about Lethality, as it becomes less impactful against high armor values.

For vulnerable champions, the main strategy to counter Lethality is to build armor items. Even a small amount of armor can significantly reduce the effectiveness of Lethality. Popular defensive items that provide armor include Guardian Angel, which also offers a revive passive, and Death’s Dance, which provides both armor and damage reduction.

Other effective tactics include grouping with teammates for protection, as Lethality-focused champions often excel in isolated fights. Positioning carefully in team fights to avoid being targeted by assassins can also help mitigate the impact of Lethality.

Remember, while building armor is effective, it’s also important to balance defense with offensive capabilities. The goal is to survive long enough to contribute to fights, not just to avoid dying.

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Understanding Lethality is crucial for both utilizing it effectively and defending against it. This powerful stat can significantly impact gameplay, especially for assassins and burst damage dealers. While Lethality excels against low-armor targets, it can be countered by building armor items and employing smart positioning. 

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