How Armor Works in Escape From Tarkov

How Armor Works in Escape From Tarkov: Discover These 4 Crucial Stats

During high-stake raids in EFT, each hit you take is a threat to your hard-earned loot and gear. While shooting enemies is fun and all, the armor you put on makes all the difference between surviving or going home empty-handed.

But with such a wide array of armor and each one offering different levels and areas of protection, you can’t help but wonder how armor works in Escape From Tarkov.

While it can be tempting to just pick the armor with the highest armor points, that’s not the only thing you should consider. Armor class, materials, and weight, including its effect on your movement and ergonomics, are all crucial factors.

Stick with me, and I will break down these elements so you can understand how EFT armors work and make the right choice.

How Does Armor Work in Escape from Tarkov?  

Armor is an important aspect of all survival games. But in EFT,  it’s not the same as buying a simple Kevlar or Bulletproof vest and helmet. 

For this guide, we’ll use the ANA Tactical M1 as an example. It’s a resourceful and fairly durable tactical chest rig for its price and accessibility. A popular choice for many players, especially during the mid to late wipe stages. This armor is fairly affordable and offers storage solutions.

To fully understand how armor works in EFT, there are a few key details we need to focus on—the type of armor, the material it’s made of, its armor class, and the number of armor points. 

  • Armor Type— Tactical Chest Rig
  • Armor Weight— 8.3 KG 
  • Armor Class— 4 
  • Armor Materials— Steel
  • Armor Points—65  

ANA Tactical M1 is a tactical chest rig made of steel, classified as level 4, and provides coverage for the thorax and stomach, and has 65 armor points.

Now, what exactly do these things mean? 

Armor Type

How Armor Works in Escape From Tarkov - armor type

The first factor you should consider is the type of armor. 

There are three types of Armor in EFT that serve a different purpose. The Body Armor (bulletproof vests), Tactical Rigs, and Headgear. 

The Body Armor functions as a shield of your torso and often your arms from bullets, or other items designed to protect first. 

Meanwhile, Tactical Rigs are built for both protection and carrying equipment. This is where the ANA Tactical M1 falls into.

And finally, Headgear refers to helmets that cover your head or even your entire face. 

When choosing an armor, consider your priorities. Do you prefer better protection or do you want some more space for your gear?

Armor Weight

In EFT, armors have different weights.

For example, let’s consider the ANA Tactical M1 which weighs 8.3kg. It slows down your movement by 10%. On the other hand, the  ANA Tactical M2  is lighter at 7kg reducing your movement by only 8%.

Heavier armors come with bigger movement and ergonomics penalties but offer either more storage or higher durability.

As you level up armor skills in EFT, you reduce the penalties, like speed loss, and even cut down on repair wear. At an elite level, wearing light armor can make you immune to bleeding in covered areas. 

So, when you choose armor in EFT, consider its weight, your skills, and the specific combat situations you need to prepare for. It’s not just about stats—it’s about choosing an armor type that fits your playstyle.

Armor Class 

How Armor Works in Escape From Tarkov - armor class

Armor class is one of the key factors that decide how much protection you get from bullets in EFT. Armor classes range from 2 to 6, with higher numbers offering better defense.

For example, Class 4 armor can stop rounds with a penetration value of up to 45, while Class 6 can handle ammo with a penetration value of around 60.

But remember, the more your armor gets hit, the less effective it becomes. A damaged Class 6 armor won’t protect you like a fresh one would. The ANA Tactical M1, being Class 4, gives solid protection early on but might not hold up against tougher ammo later in the wipe.

Armor Material 

The material of the armor can determine how well the armor works and how fast it can be repaired. EFT Armor uses different materials such as Aramid, Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, Combined Materials, Titanium, Aluminum, Steel, and Ceramic.

Aramind is the most durable while Ceramic is the easiest to break.

For example, the ANA Tactical M1 is crafted from Steel, while its brother the M2 is made from Titanium making it more durable in terms of material. Different materials have their own strengths and weaknesses.

The repairability of the material is also important since all armor can be repaired for a cost but can never be restored to its mint condition or maximum durability. You can refer to this spreadsheet for more details about different armor materials and their stats.

Armor Points 

One of the most important factors is the Armor points because it indicates how well your gear will hold up. 

For example, the ANA Tactical M1 has 65 armor points. This number reflects how many hits your armor can absorb before it’s destroyed. If you compare it to another Class 4 armor with only 41.5 armor points, the M1 can take more damage. Then again, you should also consider the material.

So if I shoot both armors with ammo that doesn’t penetrate, like 9x19mm RIP rounds, the armor points decrease with each hit. The armor with 65 points will last longer, absorbing more hits before breaking. The one with lower points will fail sooner and I’ll be naked against bullets. 

You can consider armor points as hit points of armor.

How about an EFT Cheat? 

Now that you know how armor works in Escape from Tarkov, increase the fun by using StealthCore EFT Cheats which can make your game even better. 

With over five years of experience, StealthCore provides safe and effective tools. These cheats help you dodge opponents and grab valuable loot, making every raid more rewarding. Combining these cheats with your armor strategy makes getting top loot easier, turning raids into successful missions.


Armor in Tarkov can be super confusing, but once you know the basics, you understand what to pick. While there is much to sift through, having a general idea of what these stats mean makes the difference between them. 

After playing EFT for years, the best advice I can pass on to you is to follow this principle. Obtain-Use-Dispose. Pick up anything you can get your hands on. Use it until it gets damaged enough. Then sell it or dispose of it.. That way, you gain experience and learn more about different armor and items in the game.

So go out there, pick the best armor for your playstyle, and survive those raids.

Note that armors are continuously nerfed or buffed so stay updated by reading patch notes and our blogs.


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