
Best Supports for Ashe in LoL

Ashe is a great AD carry (ADC) in LoL. Her ability to slow enemies makes her really good at her job. But to win games, she needs strong support champions by her side.

The best supports for Ashe are:

  • Braum
  • Thresh
  • Nautilus

These champions are great partners for Ashe. They help her by controlling enemy movement, soaking up damage, and more. With their help, Ashe can attack safely and deal lots of damage to win fights and games.

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Braum, the Heart of the Freljord

Braum stands out as the best support for Ashe right now, and for good reason. His abilities work perfectly with Ashe’s kit, giving her the protection and crowd control she needs to excel.

Braum’s passive, Concussive Blows, is a game-changer. When Braum hits an enemy, it applies a stack. Then, Ashe’s attacks can add more stacks. Once four stacks are applied, the enemy is stunned. This gives Ashe a great chance to deal damage safely.

Unbreakable, Braum’s E ability, is like a mobile wall for Ashe. He can block enemy attacks, keeping Ashe safe from harm. This is super important because Ashe needs time to deal her damage without getting hurt.

Lastly, Braum’s ultimate, Glacial Fissure, is a powerful crowd control tool. It knocks up enemies and leaves a slowing zone on the ground. This pairs amazingly well with Ashe’s own slowing abilities, making it hard for enemies to escape.

With Braum by her side, Ashe gets the crowd control and armor she needs to survive and thrive in fights. He can stun enemies, block incoming damage, and set up perfect opportunities for Ashe to attack. This combination of protection and crowd control makes Braum the ideal support for Ashe in the current meta.

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Thresh, the Chain Warden

Now let’s talk about Thresh, another excellent support for Ashe. Thresh’s abilities make him a versatile partner who can both protect Ashe and set up great opportunities for her to deal damage.

Thresh’s Q ability, Death Sentence, is a game-changer. He can throw out his hook to grab an enemy, pulling them closer. This is perfect for Ashe, as it brings targets into her range and sets up easy shots for her arrows. If needed, Thresh can even pull himself to the enemy, which can surprise opponents or help him get in position to protect Ashe.

Dark Passage, Thresh’s W, is like a magical escape rope for Ashe. He can throw out his lantern, which Ashe can click to quickly dash to Thresh’s location. This is super helpful if Ashe gets caught in a bad spot – she can use the lantern to escape to safety. Plus, the lantern gives a shield, adding extra protection in tough fights.

Thresh’s ultimate, The Box, is a powerful zoning tool. He creates walls that slow and damage enemies who try to pass through them. This works great with Ashe’s own slowing abilities, making it very hard for enemies to reach her or run away.

With Thresh supporting her, Ashe gets a mix of protection, escape options, and ways to catch enemies. Thresh can hook targets for Ashe to attack, save her with his lantern, and control the battlefield with his ultimate. This combination of engage potential and protection makes Thresh an ideal support to help Ashe shine in her role as AD carry.

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Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths

Let’s dive into why Nautilus is considered one of the best supports for Ashe. His abilities provide a powerful mix of crowd control and engage potential that perfectly complements Ashe’s kit.

Nautilus’ passive, Staggering Blow, is a constant threat to enemies. His first attack against a target not only deals extra damage but also roots them briefly. This sets up perfect opportunities for Ashe to land her arrows and start dealing damage without the enemy being able to escape.

Dredge Line, Nautilus’ Q ability, is a versatile tool. He throws his anchor, and if it hits an enemy, both Nautilus and the target are pulled together. This is great for catching enemies out of position or bringing them into Ashe’s attack range. Plus, Nautilus can use it on terrain to reposition himself quickly, helping him stay close to Ashe for protection.

Nautilus’ ultimate, Depth Charge, is a game-changing ability. He sends a shockwave that chases a specific enemy, knocking up anyone in its path. When it reaches its target, it knocks them up and stuns them. This is perfect for setting up Ashe’s attacks or protecting her from diving enemies.

With Nautilus by her side, Ashe gets the heavy crowd control she needs to maximize her damage output. Nautilus can root enemies with his passive, pull them in with his Q, and deliver a powerful knock-up and stun with his ultimate. This constant threat of crowd control makes it hard for enemies to approach Ashe, while also setting up easy targets for her to attack. 


In conclusion, Braum, Thresh, and Nautilus stand out as the best supports for Ashe in League of Legends. Each brings unique strengths to the lane, providing Ashe with the protection, crowd control, and engage potential she needs to excel. Braum offers unparalleled defensive capabilities, Thresh provides versatile engage and disengage options, and Nautilus brings heavy crowd control and initiation. By pairing Ashe with any of these supports, players can create a formidable bot lane duo capable of dominating throughout the game. 

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