My one month has run out last night and I can confidently say it works splendidly. I used 2 accounts primarily with this chair, one of which was bronze when I first got it, and the other of which was level 1, by the end of my 1 month usage of the chair, I was able to boost the Bronze account to Plat 2, and the level 1 account is now lvl 35 and in diamond 1 87LP. My use of the script in testing out new things and figuring out how it all works was overall simple to adjust and get used to. My average win rate significantly went up playing more solo carry based champions in roles that aren't heavy team reliant, such as mid for example. With all the games played, only one time someone even mentioned or suspected anything odd, of which I was in a draft game testing a new champ that I had 0 games played on, of which I was able to just say I mained the champ on my main account
When they say you need a good setup to play leagues they mean you NEED this chair.
Phantom Chair is top tier. fits champions of all shapes and sizes and options for all. Great customer support also. Is also priced more competitively relative to other chairs of similar build/quality.
I'll admit maybe i have had a couple too many pies and perhaps i have been, upon occasion, a spot sedentary, but i had to come back and check i had bought the adult sleeping chair after. I could get my arms in the chair, but not if i also wanted to get my body in, the chair itself seemed nice just too small. Luckily it was only freezing on the camping trip so the frost bite from ashe (its a ice queen, you woundt get it) wasn't too bad and the doctor says feeling with eventually return. I have been informed that there are larger size sleeping chairs also available and in the unlikely event that i go camping again i will certainly be looking for one of those fancy chairs with extra jinx and senna stickers.
amazing anti-freezing chair, specially when u go fight troll in Freljord, very good, comfy, sometimes wrong size but overall solid 9/10
Top quality chair service for cars. I came into buying one of their chairs expecting it to be subpar, but honestly, it works well. The chair has in-built tracking services and it can even evade bullies that attempt to beat you up in school. I was driving on the middle lane with my friend Yasuo and it was so comfortable and smooth, did not even feel any bumps across the journey. Sometimes when driving down the bottom lane, it’s a completely otherworldly experience - I feel like every challenger / racer pulling drifts. I was racing against my friends Jinx and Kog, so powerful honestly. They were also using this chair service and it was completely luxurious!
I would recommend this chair service.