
League of Legends Teleport: When, How, and Why

Teleport is one of the best and most powerful spells in League of Legends. It’s a top choice for players in the top lane and sometimes used by mid-lane players too. Teleport lets you move quickly across the map, which can change the game in big ways.

This spell helps in many situations, catch up on farming minions you missed, help your team win a fight that looked lost, or get to important objectives fast. In this article, we’ll look at everything you need to know about Teleport. We’ll talk about when to use it and how it can help you win games.

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Top Lane

LoL Teleport is often a great choice for top laners. Here’s when you should consider taking it, if you’re unsure about your matchup: If you’re not confident about facing your opponent, Teleport can be a safe pick. It lets you play more carefully and still help your team. If you think your enemy will play safe and avoid fights, Teleport can help you impact other parts of the map.

Teleport also allows you to jump into team fights quickly. You can help your team win a fight that looked bad at first. If your allies are in trouble, you can use Teleport to get to them fast and help out. Teleport also lets you join your team to fight for important targets like Dragon Soul or Elder Dragon.

You can use Teleport to push a lane far from your team. This works well when there’s a big wave of minions heading to the enemy base. Teleport gives you more options to help your team and control the game. It’s a powerful tool that can make a big difference in how the match goes.

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Mid Lane

Teleport is a valuable summoner spell for mid laners in certain situations. If you’re facing a matchup where your opponent heavily pokes you and constantly keeps your health low, Teleport can be a lifesaver. It allows you to return to lane quickly after recalling to heal, helping you stay in the game and not fall behind in experience or gold. Similarly, if you’re up against a champion that relies on pushing waves and using cheater recalls, Teleport can help you counter this strategy. You can match their recalls and return to lane without losing much farm or tower damage.

Teleport is also useful when you’re in a passive lane where neither player has a clear advantage. In these cases, it gives you the opportunity to impact other parts of the map while still maintaining your lane presence. If you’re playing a champion that scales well into the late game, Teleport can help you farm safely and reach your power spikes without falling too far behind.

Timing is crucial when using Teleport. Try to use it when there’s a large minion wave pushing towards your tower to minimize lost farm. Look for opportunities to Teleport to other lanes for surprise ganks, especially if your allies have good crowd control. When deciding to Teleport into a team fight, make sure you’re not putting yourself in immediate danger upon arrival. 

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Bot Lane

Taking Teleport in the bot lane isn’t as common as in top lane, but it can be effective in certain situations. The reasons for taking Teleport in bot lane are similar to those in top lane. If you’re in a matchup where you’re constantly poked down or against opponents who frequently push and use cheater recalls, Teleport can help you stay relevant. It’s also useful if you expect a passive lane where neither side has a clear advantage, allowing you to impact other parts of the map. However, if none of these conditions apply to your game, you might be better off with a different summoner spell. Bot laners often prefer combat-focused spells like Heal, Exhaust, or Ignite for their immediate impact in trades and all-ins.

When using Teleport in the bot lane, timing is crucial. Try to coordinate with your jungler to set up ganks in other lanes, especially if you can create a numbers advantage. Use Teleport to return to lane quickly after recalling, especially if there’s a large wave pushing towards your tower. This can help you avoid losing farm and experience. Look for opportunities to Teleport to team fights around objectives like Dragon or Herald. Your presence can often turn the tide of these important battles. Lastly, don’t forget that Teleport can be used defensively. If you’re being pressured heavily, you can use it to escape to a safer part of the map and rejoin your team.


Teleport is a versatile and powerful summoner spell in League of Legends, especially for top and mid-laners. It offers map mobility, strategic opportunities, and the ability to influence key fights and objectives. By understanding when and how to use Teleport, players can enhance their gameplay, support their team, and secure crucial advantages. Whether it’s for catching up on farm, joining a fight, or making a crucial play, mastering Teleport can be a game-changer.

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