
LoL Patch Notes v14.2: Buffs, Nerfs, and more!

Welcome, Summoners! Brace yourselves for a comprehensive journey through the dynamic landscape with our breakdown of LoL Patch notes 14.2. Dive into the intricacies of meta-altering shifts, discover the champions undergoing significant changes, and unveil the game-changing updates that promise to reshape the Summoner’s Rift. Join us as we navigate through the exciting twists and turns of this latest patch, exploring the impact it brings to the ever-evolving world of League of Legends.

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Champion buffs

LoL Patch 14.2 buffs several underpowered champions. Champions receiving significant buffs include Ahri, Karma, Karthus, Shen, and more. Through increased ability scaling, base stats, and utility, these champions will now pack more punch and see their viability improved. The buffs aim to elevate overlooked champions, diversify the meta, and make the game fresh.


E – Lucent Singularity: Cooldown: 14s 12s


Base stats:

  • Health: 646 ⇒ 670

Passive – Adaptive Defenses Cooldown: 20s/15s/10s/5s ⇒ 18s/14s/10s

Q – Precision Protocol Speed: 20%-40% ⇒ 30%-40%


Missing Health heal per champion: 13% ⇒ 15%

Max Healing at three champions: 39% ⇒ 45% 

Q – Decimate Cost: 30-50 ⇒ 25-45

E – Apprehend Apprehend Armor Penetration: 15%-35% ⇒ 20%-40%


Q – Mystic Shot AD Scaling: 130% ⇒ 135% 

W – Essence Flux Essence Flux AD Scaling: 60% ⇒ 100% 

R – Trueshot Barrage Trueshot Barrage Base Damage: 350/500/650 ⇒ 350/525/700

AD Scaling: 100% ⇒ 120%


W – Courage Damage Reduction Duration: 2-5s ⇒ 4s constant

E – constant Judgment Judgment AD Scaling per tick: 32%-40% ⇒ 36%-40%


Base Stats:

  • Health Growth: 109 ⇒ 115 
  • Armor Growth: 4.8 ⇒ 5.0 

R – Explosive Cask Cooldown: 120-80s ⇒ 100-70s


Passive – A Thousand Cuts Target Max Health AP Scaling: 0.65% ⇒ 0.72%


E – Subject: Torment Cooldown: 15-11s ⇒ 12-10s 

EQ – Hwei EQ Grim Visage Flee Duration: 1s constant ⇒ 1-1.5s


Base Stats:

  • Health Growth: 109 ⇒ 115 
  • Mana: 300 + 50 (per level) ⇒ 350 + 60 (per level)

Passive – Prophet of an Elder God Tentacle hit missing health per champion: 4.5% ⇒ 5.0%


Base stats:

  • Base Health: 604 ⇒ 630

Q – Inner Flame AP Scaling: 50% ⇒ 70% 

E – Inspire Inspire Shield: 80-240 + 45% AP ⇒ 80-260 + 60% AP


Q – Lay Waste Base Damage: 43-115 ⇒ 45-125

W – Wall of Pain Wall of Pain MR Shred: 15% ⇒ 25%


Base stats:

  • Base AD: 60 ⇒ 64


Base stats:

  • Base Health: 550 ⇒ 580

Champion Nerfs

LoL Patch 14.2 also brings targeted nerfs to dominant champions like Blitzcrank, Fizz, Jax, Rumble, and Teemo. These champions will see decreases in their damage, utility, and scaling. The goal is to curb their power and increase diversity rather than let them continue dictating the meta. While mains will need to adapt, the nerfs aim to bring the champions in line rather than gut them.


Base stats:

  • Base Armor: 40 ⇒ 37

E – Power Fist AD scaling: 200% ⇒ 180%


Q – Urchin Strike AP Scaling: 50% ⇒ 45%

W – Seastone Trident Seastone Trident Passive Dot AP Scaling: 40% ⇒ 30%


E – Counter Strike Base Damage: 55-175 ⇒ 40-160 

Target HP scaling: 4.0% ⇒ 3.5%


Q – Flamespitter Base Damage over 3s: 135-195 ⇒ 125-185

E – Electro-Harpoon Electro Harpoon MR Shred: 12-20% ⇒ 10-18%


E – Toxic Shot On-hit AP scaling: 30% ⇒ 25%

R – Noxious Trap Noxious Trap Ammo recharge: 30/25/20s ⇒ 35/30/25s

Also Read: Best Top Lane Champions in LoL Patch 14.1b

Item Buffs

Riot Games’ latest patch also contains impactful buffs to several underutilized items. Horizon Focus, Steel Sigil, and Stridebreaker are receiving cost reductions and range increases to make them more viable purchases. The item changes will open up new build paths and synergies for many champions. 

Horizon Focus 

  • Trigger Range: 700 ⇒ 600 
  • Vision/ AOE radius: 1200 ⇒ 1400

Steel Sigil

  •  Total Cost: 550 ⇒ 450


  • Total Cost: 3100 ⇒ 3000

Item Nerfs

In addition to buffs, this new League patch nerfs several dominant items to open up the meta. Bloodsong, Frozen Heart, Riftmaker, and Stormsurge are seeing decreases in their stats and effects. 


  •  Damage Amplification: 12% Melee, 8% Ranged ⇒ 10% Melee, 6% Ranged 

Frozen Heart 

  • Total Cost: 2300 ⇒ 2400 


  • Total Cost: 3000 ⇒ 3100


  • AP: 100 ⇒ 90

Also Read: Calculate How Much You Spent in LoL (2023)

System Adjustments

This patch also delivers impactful adjustments to runes and items. Rune stat shards have been reworked, with more focus on defense and utility over pure offense. Items like Experimental Hexplate, Mikael’s Blessing, Phantom Dancer, and support purchases have new recipes and effects to shift their roles. 

Rune Stat Shards:

Row 1: it remains the same

Row 2: 

  • +6 armor to +2% MS
  • +8 MR to +10-180 Health Based on level

Row 3:

  • +15-140 Health Based on level to +65 Health
  • +6 armor to +10% Tenacity and slow resist
  • +8 MR to +10-180 Health Based on level

Experimental Hexplate

  • Recipe: tunneler + Noonquiver  ⇒  Tunneler + healthbound axe (total cost unchanged)
  • Attack speed: 20% to 25%
  • Active attack speed: 35% to 30%

Mikael’s Blessing

  • Can no longer be cast on minions

Phantom Dancer

  • Recipe: Heartbound Axe + cloak of agility ⇒ Zeal + rectrix (total cost unchanged)

Support Items Stacking

  • This item grants reduced gold from minions if you kill excessive numbers of them ⇒ This item grants reduced gold from minions if anyone on your team with the item kills excessive numbers of them 

Jungle Pet

  • Heal: 12-35 to 14- 37
  • Epic monster base damage cap: 16 – 40 to 15.5
  • Epic monster damage cap is now affected by the normal health, AP, AD, and resist ratios


In conclusion, this monumental League of Legends patch delivers impactful changes that will transform the game’s meta from top to bottom. Through systemic adjustments and champion tweaks, Riot aims to increase diversity and strategic options. Players will need to adapt to stay competitive, evaluating new rune synergies and item builds. 

With dominant picks toned down and underused ones elevated, the patch promises to breathe new life into League and keep gameplay exciting. Though adapting will take time, these sweeping updates are necessary for League’s ongoing evolution.

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