
League of Legends Patch 14.15 Notes

League of Legends Patch 14.15 is just around the corner, set to release on July 31st. This upcoming patch brings many changes to the Summoner’s Rift, including champion buffs, nerfs, adjustments, and system-wide modifications. 

LoL Patch 14.15 Champion Buffs

League of Legends 14.15 Patch Notes is going to enhance the capabilities of three distinct champions: Talon, Varus, and Yasuo. These buffs aim to fine-tune their performance and potentially shift their standing in the current meta. These changes could significantly impact the champions’ overall gameplay experience.


Q Noxian Diplomacy now always dashes toward his target. Short-range Q dashes less far


Base Stats:

  • AD increased: 57 → 59

Passive Living Vengeance:

  • Bonus Attack Speed from non-champion kill increased: 10% flat → 10/20/30% (based on levels 1/7/13)
  • Bonus Attack Speed from champion takedown increased: 40% → 50%
  • Bonus AD and AP from champion takedown bonus Attack Speed ratio increased: 15% → 25%
  • Attack Speed cap on champion takedown increased: 2.7632 → 3 (no longer only accommodates bonus Attack Speed from champion takedown)

Blighted Quiver base on-hit magic damage reduced: 7/14/21/28/35 → 5/10/15/20/25


Base Stats:

  • Base armor increased: 30 → 32

Sweeping Blade:

  • Base damage increased: 60/70/80/90/100 → 70/85/100/115/130
  • Bonus damage per Ride the Wind stack increased: 15-25% (based on levels 1-18) → 25% flat (60-100% (based on levels 1-18) → 100% flat at max stacks)

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LoL Patch 14.15 Champion Buffs

While some champions are receiving buffs, others are facing nerfs in Patch 14.15. Five champions are slated for power reductions: Aurelion Sol, Aurora, Ezreal, Leona, and Shyvana. These nerfs address balance concerns and potentially reign in their dominance in various aspects of the game. 

Aurelion Sol

Q Breath of Light mana cost per second increased: 30/35/40/45/50 → 35/40/45/50/55

W Astral Flight base range decreased: 1500/1600/1700/1800/1900 → 1500 flat

E Singularity mana cost increased: 80 → 90


Realm Hopper bonus Move Speed adjusted: 5-10% (based on levels 1-18) (+3% per 100 AP) (+5% per active Spirit (capped at 4)) → 5-8.6% (based on levels 1-18) (+3% per 100 AP) (+2% (+3% per 100 AP) per active Spirit (capped at 4))

Q2 Twofold Hex recast:

  • Recast cooldown reduced
  • Can no longer miss its original target

W Across the Veil:

  • Cooldown increased: 18/17/16/15/14 → 22/21/20/19/18 seconds
  • Invisibility breaking on auto attacks now happens on launch attack instead of pre-attack, so you won’t accidentally break invisibility by starting and cancelling an attack

E The Weirding:

  • Jump-back distance adjusted: 800 → 150 (+200% Move Speed) (should be quicker as the game goes on and during (P) Spirit Abjuration – Realm Hopper)
  • Now has a manual spell buffering system during the jump like (W) Across the Veil

R Between Worlds:

  • Damage reduced: 250/375/500 (+65% AP) → 200/325/450 (+60% AP)
  • Now has a manual spell buffering system during the jump like (W) Across the Veil
  • No longer locks the camera on using the warp


(Q) Mystic Shot AD ratio reduced: 140% → 130%


(P) Sunlight damage reduced: 32-168 (based on levels 1-18, linear) → 32-151 (based on levels 1-18, linear)

(W) Eclipse base damage reduced: 55/90/125/160/195 → 55/85/115/145/175


(E) Flame Breath:

  • Base damage adjusted: 60/100/140/180/220 (+40% total AD) (+90% AP) → 85/125/165/205/245 (+50% bonus AD) (+80% AP)
  • (R-E) Dragon Form bonus explosion damage adjusted: 75-135 (based on levels 6-18, linear) (+30% total AD) (+30% AP) → 75-135 (based on levels 6-18, linear) (+50% bonus AD) (+20% AP)
  • (R-E) Dragon Form scorched field damage per tick AD ratio adjusted: 5% total AD → 15% bonus AD (40% total AD → 120% bonus AD total)

Also Read: Best LoL Swarm Builds (2024)

LoL Patch 14.15 Champion Adjustments

Patch 14.15 brings a series of adjustments to seven champions, aiming to refine their gameplay without strictly buffing or nerfing them. The champions receiving these tweaks are Akali, Cassiopeia, Irelia, Skarner, Sylas, Yone, and Zed. These adjustments likely seek to balance out their strengths and weaknesses, shifting power between abilities or altering their playstyles in subtle ways.


(W) Twilight Shroud cooldown: reduced 20 → 20/19/18/17/16 seconds

(R) Perfect Execution:

  • (R1) base damage adjusted: 80/220/360 → 110/220/330
  • (R2) base damage adjusted: 60/130/200 → 70/140/210
  • Cooldown increased: 100/80/60 → 120/90/60 seconds


Base Stats:

  • Base mana increased: 350 → 400
  • Mana per level reduced: 60 → 40

(Q) Noxious Blast:

  • AP ratio increased 90% → 70%
  • Mana cost reduced 50/60/70/80/90 → 50/55/60/65/70

(W) Miasma mana cost reduced: 70/80/90/100/110 → 70/75/80/85/90

(E) Twin Fang:

  • Bonus magic damage against poisoned targets AP ratio reduced: 60% → 55%
  • Mana cost reduced: 50/48/46/44/42 → 40


Base Stats:

  • Base HP increased: 590 → 630
  • Base HP regeneration reduced: 8.5 → 6


Base Stats:

  • HP per level increased: 105 → 110

(Q1) Shattered Earth:

  • Mana cost reduced: 50 → 40
  • QoL around attacking after casting

(E) Ixtal’s Impact can no longer grab units behind Skarner


(Q) Chain Lash:

  • Explosion damage reduced: 70/125/180/235/290 (+90% AP) → 60/115/170/225/280 (+80% AP)
  • Cooldown reduced: 11/10/9/8/7 → 10/9/8/7/6 seconds

(W) Kingslayer:

  • Damage AP ratio reduced: 80% → 70%
  • Heal adjusted: 20/40/60/80/100 (+35% AP) → 20/40/60/80/100 (+20% AP) (+5% bonus HP)

(E2) Abduct AP ratio reduced: 100% → 80%


(Q) Mortal Steel base damage increased: 20/40/60/80/100 → 20/45/70/95/120

(R) Fate Sealed cooldown increased: 120/90/60 → 120/100/80 seconds


(Q) Razor Shuriken: 80/115/150/185/220 (+110% bAD) → 80/120/160/200/240 (+100% bAD)

(R) Death Mark cooldown increased: 120/100/80 → 120/110/100 seconds

Also Read: Best Supports With Ezreal (2024)

System Buffs, Nerfs, & Adjustments

Patch 14.15 introduces a wide array of system changes, affecting items and runes alike. On the buff side, we see improvements to several items including Abyssal Mask, Cosmic Drive, Death’s Dance, and more

Conversely, nerfs are hitting some popular items: Kraken Slayer, Lord Dominik’s, and more Even basic equipment isn’t spared, with Boots and Null-Magic Mantle facing reductions. Lastly, the Fleet Footwork rune is set for adjustments, likely to balance its effectiveness across different champion types.

Abyssal Mask


  • Magic Resistance reduction increased: 20% → 30%
  • Radius increased: 600 → 700

Cost increased: 2300 → 2500

Cosmic Drive

HP increased: 250 → 350
Spelldance bonus Move Speed increased: 25-60 (based on levels 1-18, linear) → 40-60 (based on levels 8-18, linear)

Dark Harvest

Cooldown reduced: 40 → 35 seconds
Takedown reset timer reduced: 1.5 → 1 second

Death’s Dance

Armor increased: 40 → 50

Hextech Rocketbelt

HP increased: 300 → 400


Stormraider bonus Move Speed increased: 25% → 35%
Squall ranged damage increased: (140/105) (+20/15% AP) (melee/ranged) → (140/112) (+20/16% AP) (melee/ranged)

Void Staff

AP increased: 90 → 95

Wit’s End

Fray damage increased: 15-80 (based on levels 8-18, frontloaded) → 40-80 (based on levels 8-18, linear)

Build path changed Recurve Bow + Negatron Cloak + Dagger + 900 gold → Recurve Bow + Negatron Cloak + Recurve Bow + 500 gold

Kraken Slayer

Move Speed reduced: 7% → 5%

Bring It Down bonus physical damage for ranged champions reduced 100% → 80%

Lord Dominik’s Regards

Armor Penetration reduced: 40% → 35%

Mortal Reminder

AD reduced: 40 → 35

Statikk Shiv

Move Speed reduced: 7% → 5%

Cost increased 2800 → 2900 gold


Berserker’s Greaves Attack Speed reduced: 35% → 30%

Boots of Swiftness cost increased: 900 → 1000

Ionian Boots of Lucidity:

  • Ionian Insight Summoner Spell Haste reduced 12 → 10
  • Cost increased 900 → 1000

Mercury’s Treads:

  • Magic Resistance reduced 25 → 20
  • Cost increased 1100 → 1200

Plated Steelcaps:

  • Plating basic attack damage reduction increased 8% → 10%
  • Cost increased 1000 → 1200

Sorcerer’s Shoes Magic Penetration reduced: 18 → 15

Null-Magic Mantle

Magic Resistance reduced: 25 → 20

Cost reduced: 450 → 400

Fleet Footwork

Healing adjusted: 8-110 (based on levels 1-18, linear) → 5-120 (based on levels 1-18, stat progression multiplier)


Patch 14.15 brings a comprehensive set of changes to League of Legends, touching on various aspects of the game. From champion buffs, nerfs, and adjustments to significant item and rune modifications, this update aims to shake up the meta and provide fresh gameplay experiences. As the patch goes live on July 31st, players should prepare for an evolving Rift and exciting new possibilities in their matches.

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