
Best Supports in League of Legends (2024)

The support role in League of Legends can really change the game. These players help their teammates and make a big difference in winning matches. In 2024, three supports stand out as the best choices for players who want to succeed. Let’s take a look at the top supports right now:

1. Taric

2. Leona

3. Poppy

These champions are really strong and can help their team win in different ways. Let’s explore why they’re so good and how you can use them to improve your gameplay.

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Taric, the Shield of Valoran

Taric is the best support in League of Legends right now for good reasons. He’s like a Swiss Army knife – he can do a little bit of everything, which makes him really useful in any game. Let’s look at why Taric is so strong:

Taric’s Q ability, Starlight’s Touch, is great because it heals his teammates. The more he fights, the more he can heal. This keeps his allies healthy and ready to fight. His E ability, Dazzle, is a powerful tool. It can stun enemies, stopping them in their tracks. This gives Taric’s team a chance to attack or escape.

Cosmic Radiance, Taric’s ultimate or R ability, is his game-changing move. It makes nearby allies invulnerable for a short time. This can turn a losing fight into a winning one. Taric is special because he can do many things. He can heal his friends, protect them with shields, make them stronger, and even stun enemies. This mix of abilities makes him very flexible and useful in many situations.

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Leona, the Radiant Dawn

Leona stands out as the second-best support in League of Legends for 2024. Her strength lies in her ability to control the battlefield and set up plays for her team. Leona’s E ability, Zenith Blade, is a powerful engagement tool. She sends out a solar image of her sword, damaging enemies in a line. The last champion hit gets briefly stuck in place, and Leona dashes to them. This lets her close the gap on enemies quickly and start a fight.

Once Leona gets close, she can use her Q ability, Shield of Daybreak. This empowers her next attack to deal extra magic damage and stun the target. It’s a great way to keep an enemy in place and give her team time to follow up.

Leona’s ultimate ability, Solar Flare, is a game-changer. She calls down a beam of solar energy that damages enemies in an area. Those caught in the middle are stunned, while others are slowed. This can turn the tide of a team fight or set up a perfect ambush.

What makes Leona truly scary is her ability to chain her crowd control (CC) effects. She’s like a CC machine, a nightmare for enemy champions. Once she gets close to you, you might find yourself stunned, slowed, or immobilized over and over again. This gives her team plenty of time to deal damage while the enemy can’t fight back.

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Poppy, Keeper of the Hammer

Poppy rounds out our list of the best supports in League of Legends. While she’s often seen in the Jungle, her kit makes her an excellent support choice in 2024. Poppy’s Q ability, Hammer Shock, is great for zoning enemies. She swings her hammer to create an area that slows enemies and explodes after a short time. This helps control space in the lane and can make it hard for enemies to farm or engage.

Her W, Steadfast Presence, is a fantastic defensive tool. It passively makes Poppy tougher, especially when she’s low on health. When activated, it speeds her up and stops enemy dashes nearby. This can shut down many engagement attempts and keep her carry safe.

Heroic Charge, Poppy’s E ability, is a versatile skill. She can dash to an enemy and push them back. If she pushes them into a wall, they get stunned. This is great for setting up kills or peeling for allies. Poppy’s ultimate, Keeper’s Verdict, is a powerful disengage tool. She can charge up her hammer to knock enemies very far away. This can completely turn around a team fight by removing key enemies from the battle.

All of Poppy’s abilities work together to make her an excellent support. She offers a mix of crowd control, slows, and defensive buffs. Her ultimate can even be used to get enemies out of fights entirely, giving her team a big advantage.


In conclusion, Taric, Leona, and Poppy stand out as the top supports in League of Legends for 2024. Each brings a unique set of skills to the Summoner’s Rift, from Taric’s versatile healing and protection, to Leona’s powerful crowd control, to Poppy’s mix of defensive and offensive capabilities. These champions offer players a range of playstyles and strategies to dominate the support role. 

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