
Best Supports for Varus (2024)

In 2024, Varus remains a formidable AD carry in League of Legends, but his success often hinges on the right support. This article explores the best supports for Varus based on win rates, featuring unexpected champions that synergize exceptionally well with the Arrow of Retribution: 

  • LeBlanc
  • Shaco
  • Zilean 

These champions have emerged as Varus’s most potent allies, each bringing unique strengths that amplify his abilities, secure kills, and dominate the bot lane. Let’s delve into why these unconventional pairings are proving so effective and how they’re reshaping the meta.

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Leblanc, the Deceiver

LeBlanc’s emergence as the best support for Varus in 2024 has taken many by surprise, but a closer look at her kit reveals why this duo is dominating the bot lane. Her versatile abilities perfectly complement Varus’s playstyle, creating a potent combination of damage, crowd control, and deception.

LeBlanc’s passive, Mirror Image, provides an unexpected layer of safety for both herself and Varus. When her health drops below 40%, she briefly becomes invisible and creates a decoy, buying precious time for Varus to reposition or turn the tide of a fight. Distortion, LeBlanc’s W ability, offers unparalleled mobility and poke potential in the bot lane. She can dash in to deal damage, setting up Varus’s skill shots or following up on his initiation. 

Perhaps the most synergistic aspect of LeBlanc’s kit is her Ethereal Chains. This ability launches a chain that shackles the first enemy hit, and if the target remains tethered for 1.5 seconds, they become rooted. This setup is ideal for Varus, allowing him to easily land his Piercing Arrow or Chain of Corruption. 

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Shaco, the Demon Jester

While Shaco has long been known as a jungler, his recent emergence as a top-tier support for Varus has caught many by surprise. This unconventional pick has proven incredibly effective, showcasing how creative strategies can shake up the meta.

Shaco’s Deceive ability (Q) is a game-changer in the bot lane. It allows him to become invisible and teleport to a target location, setting up unexpected engages or providing a quick escape. When paired with Varus, this creates constant pressure on the enemy duo. Shaco can appear seemingly out of nowhere, empowering his first attack and potentially landing a critical strike if he attacks from behind. 

Perhaps even more impactful is Shaco’s ultimate, Hallucinate (R). This ability creates an illusion of Shaco that can attack nearby enemies, effectively doubling the presence in lane. For the enemy bot lane, this means dealing with not just Varus and Shaco, but potentially a third threat as well. The clone’s ability to deal damage adds significant pressure during trades and all-ins. 

The psychological impact of Shaco support cannot be understated. His presence creates a constant state of uncertainty for the enemy team. They must always be wary of potential ambushes, even when Shaco appears to be visible in lane. This pressure can lead to misplays and overly cautious behavior, which Varus can exploit to gain a CS advantage or control of the lane.

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Zilean, the Chronokeeper

Zilean rounds out our top three supports for Varus, bringing a unique mix of utility and game-changing abilities to the bot lane. Unlike the more aggressive options of LeBlanc and Shaco, Zilean offers a blend of defensive and offensive capabilities that complement Varus’s kit in different ways.

Zilean’s passive, Time In A Bottle, allows him to accelerate Varus’s leveling, potentially giving the duo a crucial early-game advantage. This can lead to earlier power spikes and a stronger presence in lane.

Rewind (W) is key to Zilean’s effectiveness, as it reduces the cooldowns of his other abilities. This allows for more frequent use of his slows and stuns, setting up opportunities for Varus to land his skills shots or escape danger.

The crown jewel of Zilean’s kit, especially when supporting Varus, is Chronoshift (R). This ultimate ability can save Varus from certain death, allowing him to play more aggressively or survive focus from enemy assassins. In team fights, it provides a safety net that enables Varus to output maximum damage without fear of being burst down.

Zilean’s presence adds a layer of security and versatility to the lane, allowing Varus to focus on maximizing his damage output while Zilean controls the flow of engagements and provides crucial saves. This pairing excels in both aggressive and defensive playstyles, adapting to the needs of each game.


The emergence of LeBlanc, Shaco, and Zilean as top supports for Varus in 2024 demonstrates the evolving nature of League of Legends’ meta. These unconventional pairings offer unique advantages that traditional supports struggle to match. LeBlanc provides deception and burst damage, Shaco adds psychological pressure and unpredictability, while Zilean brings utility and game-changing saves. Each of these champions complements Varus’s kit in different ways, allowing for diverse playstyles and strategies.

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