
Best Supports for Nilah (2024)

Nilah is a special kind of ADC in League of Legends. She has a cool trick up her sleeve – her passive ability lets her gain extra experience points. But even with this advantage, Nilah still needs great support by her side to win games. In this article, we’ll look at the best supports for Nilah in 2024. The best partners for Nilah are:

  • Sona
  • Taric
  • Alistar

Let’s dive in and see why these champions make such good teammates for Nilah.

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Sona, Maven of the Strings

Sona stands out as the best support for Nilah, offering a perfect blend of skills that complement Nilah’s playstyle. One of Sona’s key abilities that works wonders with Nilah is her Song of Celerity. When Sona activates this ability, she plays a tune that gives nearby allies, including Nilah, a boost in movement speed. This isn’t just a short-lived effect – Sona also gains an aura that continues to grant this speed boost to allied champions in the area. 

But Sona’s usefulness doesn’t stop there. Her ultimate ability, Crescendo, is a game-changer in team fights. When Sona unleashes her ultimate chord, it stuns enemy champions, forcing them to dance in place while dealing magic damage. This crowd-control effect creates perfect openings for Nilah to dive in and deal massive damage. As an added bonus, each rank of Crescendo reduces the cooldown of Sona’s basic abilities, allowing her to support Nilah even more frequently as the game progresses.

The synergy between Sona’s supportive abilities and Nilah’s aggressive playstyle makes this duo a force to be reckoned with in the bot lane. Sona’s mix of speed boosts, crowd control, and frequent ability usage provides the perfect backdrop for Nilah to shine and carry games.

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Taric, the Shield of Valoran

Taric stands out as one of the best supports in League of Legends, known for his ability to synergize well with many different ADCs. His versatile kit makes him a valuable asset to any team, and he pairs particularly well with Nilah.

One of Taric’s key abilities is Dazzle. This skill allows Taric to fire a beam of starlight that, after a short delay, deals magic damage and stuns enemies. For Nilah, this ability is incredibly valuable. It provides the crowd control she needs to close the gap on enemies or escape dangerous situations. The stun also creates opportunities for Nilah to unleash her damage without fear of retaliation.

But what really sets Taric apart is his ultimate ability, Cosmic Radiance. This powerful skill pulses cosmic energy onto nearby allied champions after a brief delay, making them invulnerable for a short duration. For an aggressive ADC like Nilah, this ability is a game-changer. It allows her to dive into fights with confidence, knowing she has a window of invulnerability to work with. This synergy enables bold plays and can turn the tide of team fights.

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Alistar, the Minotaur

Alistar rounds out our list of top supports for Nilah, bringing a powerful mix of crowd control and tankiness to the bot lane. This mighty minotaur excels at creating opportunities for his ADC and protecting them in the heat of battle.

Alistar’s Headbutt is a key part of his kit. With this ability, he can ram into an enemy target, dealing damage and knocking them back. For Nilah, this can be used in multiple ways – to push enemies away from her if she’s in danger, or to knock enemies towards her so she can engage. It’s a versatile tool that can both create and deny opportunities.

Trample is another ability that synergizes well with Nilah’s playstyle. As Alistar tramples nearby enemies, he ignores unit collision and gains stacks when he damages enemy champions. At full stacks, his next basic attack against an enemy champion deals extra magic damage and stuns them. 

Perhaps Alistar’s most impactful ability is his ultimate, Unbreakable Will. When activated, Alistar lets out a mighty roar that removes all crowd control effects on himself and significantly reduces incoming damage. This makes Alistar incredibly tanky, allowing him to dive into the enemy team and soak up damage while Nilah follows up with her attacks.


In conclusion, Sona, Taric, and Alistar stand out as the best supports for Nilah in 2024. Each brings unique strengths that complement Nilah’s playstyle perfectly. Sona offers speed boosts and crowd control, Taric provides protective abilities and stuns, while Alistar excels at engagement and tanking damage. These supports create the ideal environment for Nilah to farm safely, engage effectively, and ultimately carry games. 

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