
Best ADC With Lux in LoL

Lux stands out as one of the most formidable support champions, especially in the late game. Her ability to control team fights with her crowd control and burst damage makes her a force to be reckoned with. However, when paired with the right ADC, Lux’s potential skyrockets, creating a bot lane duo that can dominate the game from start to finish.

The key to unlocking Lux’s full potential lies in finding an ADC whose kit synergizes perfectly with her abilities. Three champions stand out as the best ADC with Lux:

  • Draven
  • Jinx
  • Jhin

These ADCs complement Lux’s playstyle in unique ways, creating powerful synergies that can overwhelm opponents and secure victories. Their kits mesh seamlessly with Lux’s abilities, allowing for devastating combos and unparalleled lane pressure.

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Draven, the Glorious Executioner

Draven stands out as the best ADC with Lux, creating a lane duo that can dominate from the early game and scale into a formidable late-game threat. When Lux lands her Light Binding (Q), immobilizing opponents, it creates the perfect opportunity for Draven to capitalize on his passive, League of Draven. This synergy is crucial because Draven’s Passive Draven gains Adoration stacks when he catches a Spinning Axe or kills a minion, monster, or tower. 

Killing enemy champions grants Draven bonus gold based on his accumulated Adoration. Lux’s crowd control allows Draven to safely approach stunned targets, making it significantly easier for him to catch his axes and stack Adoration. 

This powerful combination of crowd control, damage amplification, and execution potential makes Draven and Lux a terrifying duo in the bot lane. Their synergy allows them to dominate the laning phase, secure objectives, and transition into a late-game powerhouse that can quickly eliminate key targets in teamfights.

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Jinx, the Loose Cannon

The Jinx and Lux combination creates a perfect bot lane duo, offering exceptional crowd control and follow-up potential. This pairing is particularly effective due to their ability to chain crowd control effects, making it difficult for enemies to escape or retaliate.

If Lux lands her Light Binding (Q), Jinx can easily follow up with her Flame Chompers! (E). Conversely, if an enemy steps on Jinx’s Flame Chompers!, Lux can land an easy Light Binding. This creates a brutal CC chain that can last up to 3-4 seconds.

Jinx’s Zap! (W) provides a long-range slow, making it easier for Lux to land her skills shots. It also reveals enemies, allowing Lux to target them through the fog of war or bushes. This synergy makes Jinx and Lux a feared bot lane combination, capable of dominating the laning phase and transitioning into a powerful late-game threat.

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Jhin, the Virtuoso

The Jhin and Lux combination is a powerful bot lane duo that excels in creating opportunities for extended crowd control and devastating follow-up damage. Their synergy revolves around their ability to chain crowd-control effects, making it challenging for opponents to escape or counter-attack.

When Lux lands her Light Binding, it sets up a perfect opportunity for Jhin to follow up with his Deadly Flourish. This ability roots the target if they’ve been recently damaged by Jhin’s allies, which Lux’s initial stun ensures. The chain CC doesn’t stop there. If Jhin manages to land his Deadly Flourish first, it makes it much easier for Lux to land her Light Binding, continuing the lockdown on enemy champions. This back-and-forth CC potential makes the lane extremely dangerous for opponents.

While enemies are locked down by this chain of crowd control, Jhin can set up his ultimate ability, Curtain Call. This powerful long-range attack allows Jhin to fire four shots that slow and deal execute damage to enemies. The fourth shot is guaranteed to critically strike, making it especially lethal. With enemies rooted or slowed by the combined CC of Jhin and Lux, landing these shots becomes much easier, often resulting in secured kills or forcing enemies out of lane.


Pairing Lux with the right ADC can unlock her full potential, creating a powerful and synergistic bot lane duo. Draven, Jinx, and Jhin stand out as the best choices, each offering unique strengths that complement Lux’s abilities. Together, they can dominate the laning phase, control team fights, and secure victories with their overwhelming crowd control and burst damage potential.

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