how to use your scav

How to use your SCAV: Escape From Tarkov

Learn how to use your Scav effectively in Tarkov!

Loading into a raid in Escape from Tarkov is always risky. You have your best gear, but one move and boom you are back to zero — injured, without loot, and down with less money. That’s where your Scav comes in. 

Playing as a Scav (short for Scavenger) lets you go into a raid with completely randomized equipment, but you have nothing to lose because it doesn’t actually take anything from your stash. 

It is basically a trial match that you play to collect loot, fight against other players, or simply get to know the area. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use your Scav to make the most out of your time in Tarkov. 

How to use your Scav? 

When playing as a Scav in Escape from Tarkov, your main goal should be looting. Focus on grabbing items from buildings or dead bodies rather than picking fights with PMCs. Your gear is random and likely weaker than what PMCs are using, so trying to take them down should be your last option. 

Also, remember that you’re not the only player Scav on the map—other players can spawn as Scavs too. Avoid shooting them, as killing fellow Scavs will lower your reputation with a Trader, specifically the Fence. This can make future Scav runs harder. 

How to use your Scav effectively? Stick to looting, avoid unnecessary fights, and keep your Scav karma high by leaving other Scavs alone. If you play smart, you’ll walk away with valuable items to transfer to your stash and improve your standing in future raids. 

But first, let’s discover how the high Scav Karma/Reputation really contributes to your efficient Scav looting. 

What does Scav Karma/Reputation Do? 

Scav Karma, or Fence Reputation, is all about how you behave as a Scav in Escape from Tarkov. As you build up positive karma, you’ll unlock some cool benefits. For example, AI-controlled Scavs will be more likely to help you during fights, which can be a big advantage. 

On the flip side, if your Scav Karma is low, those same Scavs might turn hostile, making survival much harder. Higher karma also helps with the in-game economy. Markets will offer better prices, and you’ll have a better chance of finding rare gear. Plus, you might get new trade opportunities, making it easier to build up your stash.

So, keep your actions in line with the scavenger code, and you’ll keep benefiting from positive Scav Karma. If you let your reputation drop, though, you’ll face more enemies and fewer rewards. 

Also check out:

How to Increase Scav Reputation? 

Increasing your Scav reputation, or Scav Karma, in Escape from Tarkov can really help you survive and thrive in the game. Here are some simple ways to boost your reputation:

1. Use Car Extracts as a PMC

When you extract using car extracts as a PMC, you gain a good chunk of Scav Karma—about +0.4 for each successful extraction. These car extracts are always available on maps like Shoreline and Woods, so try to use them often. 

2. Co-Op Extracts

Team up with friendly Scavs or PMCs for co-op extracts. These can also earn you +0.4 Scav Karma. Head to spots like Interchange, Reserve, or Lighthouse to find these opportunities. The first time you do this on a map, you’ll get around +0.25 reputation, which adds up quickly.

3. Survive a Scav Raid

Simply making it out of a raid as a Scav earns you +0.01 Scav Karma. If you can survive 100 raids, that’ll net you a solid +1 reputation.

4. Complete Scav Quests

Check out the tasks given by Fence, as completing them can add up to +0.04 reputation. Some of these quests are straightforward, making them easy wins for your karma.

5. Help Other Scavs

Whenever you can, lend a hand to your fellow Scavs. Helping another Scav earns you +0.01 karma, which can make a difference over time.

6. Take Down Traitor Scavs and PMCs

If you see a Traitor Scav (a Scav who has attacked others), you can kill them for +0.03 reputation. You can also earn +0.02 by taking out PMCs who have already killed a Scav in that raid.

7. Be Smart About Combat

Avoid unnecessary fights with other Scavs; shooting them will hurt your reputation. Instead, focus on survival and loot collection.

Building up your Scav Karma takes some time and effort, but following these tips will help you quickly increase your reputation and reap the benefits. A higher Scav Karma means more friends on the battlefield, better loot, and a better chance of surviving in Tarkov. 

How to Lose Scav Reputation? 

This may lower your Scav Reputation: 

• Killing AI Scavs

• Killing Player Scavs

• Fighting back Scav Bosses

If you want to keep your Reputation, there are a few things you should avoid. First off, don’t kill any AI Scavs or player-controlled Scavs. Scavs have a code of honor, and attacking them will drop your Scav Karma. 

Also, if you find yourself being shot at by Scav bosses like Shturman or Tagilla, resist the urge to shoot back. Just firing at another Scav won’t hurt your reputation, but killing them definitely will. So, play nice to keep your karma high. 

How to make money as a Scav

Making money as a Scav can be a great way to build up your stash without risking your main PMC. Here are the five tips on how to use your Scav effectively while making money out of it. 

1. Quick Runs

The time you spend on a Scav is time you’re not playing as your PMC. You should focus on quick runs to extract. A great option is a map like Factory, where you can grab loot and get out quickly. Just spawn, loot any nearby items or bodies, and run straight to the extract. Once your Scav reputation hits 4.0, you’ll start getting valuable items like lab access cards. The faster you run, the more money you can make. 

2. Learning the Maps

If you’re new to the game, how to use your Scav can also help you learn the maps. Explore different areas without the pressure of dying since other Scavs won’t target you. This is a great way to find good loot. For example, on Customs, check high-traffic areas like the dorms, where PMCs often fight. If you find loot in these spots, you can capitalize on it during your next raid.

3. Utilizing Co-Op Extracts

If you know there’s a friendly PMC nearby, take advantage of co-op extracts. Not only will you get the benefit of extracting safely, but you’ll also earn extra reputation. Plus, sometimes you’ll receive bonus items from Fence, making it a win-win.

4. Maintaining High Reputation

To make the most money, focus on keeping your Scav reputation high—aim for at least 6.0. This allows you to access better gear, like improved armor and weapons, which you can use to go after high-value targets. If you see another looted Scav, don’t hesitate to take them out, but ensure you have a clear escape route. Remember, Scavs aren’t always friendly, and being at a higher reputation gives you more leeway.

5. Cautious Combat

While you might be tempted to take down other Scavs for their loot, be careful. Killing low-reputation Scavs can hurt your karma and your future runs. Wait until you’ve built up your reputation before taking those risks. 


By following these tips on how to use your Scav, you’ll be able to earn more money and build a stronger gear stash, all while enjoying the game without the heavy risk of losing your main character’s items. Happy scavenging!

One thing you should also check out is StealthCore EFT cheats. If you want to make the most out of your SCAV runs, this tool is your best friend. These cheats go with aimbots, ESPs, and wall hacks. Plus they are undetected since launch. 


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