How to Survive Raids in Escape From Tarkov

How to Survive Raids in Escape From Tarkov – 8 Essential Tips

Learn how to survive raids in Escape from Tarkov by applying this crucial advice.

Your friend just convinced you to try this insane game Escape from Tarkov. Now you’ve been warned by countless people that it’s “too hard,” and for once, they are right! 

You basically get handed an armory full of weapons, get dropped into a savage location, and your only option is to fight for your life and try to make it out with $, loot, guns, or even a piece of gear to protect you, or die and lose EVERY SINGLE thing you fought to get, then start over! 

So, the big question is, how to survive raids in Escape from Tarkov? Obviously, it takes more than just quick actions. What you need is strategy, patience, and some knowledge. In this article, I’m going to list eight things you can do to maximize your chance of making it out alive. 

How to Survive Raids in Escape From Tarkov

1. Map Knowledge 

How to Survive Raids in Escape From Tarkov - Map Knwoledge

Familiarity with the map when playing Escape from Tarkov goes beyond spotting the major possible locations to gather the most valuable items, it includes the knowledge of the spawns as well as the courses likely to be taken by other players.

For example, splitting the map like Customs into two halves allows me to anticipate enemy movements. If I know someone is headed to dorms or strongholds, I adjust my route to avoid danger. Time awareness is key—knowing when players have likely moved helps me decide if I should loot or take a safer path.

Check out this helpful tool if you want to familiarize yourself with all the Tarkov maps.

2. Get Your Best Armor

Knowing how to survive raids in Escape from Tarkov starts with getting a handle on armor and gear. There are three key things to keep in mind: Armor Class, Durability, and investment. Armor Class (ranging from 1 to 6) determines what kind of ammunition your armor can resist. Durability shows how much damage it can take before it’s useless. 

Personally, I don’t believe you need to go all out with top-tier gear, but to survive raids in Tarkov, a more balanced setup with upgraded ammo and a modded SKS can make a huge difference.

3. Get Your Best Healing

Escape from Tarkov is a survival game, so you must be familiar with different kinds of medical supplies. After you break your limbs to heavy bleeds, your PMC can suffer various injuries, so it’s crucial to know your meds. Before I was content to use the Grizzly First Aid Kit, but it’s slower, but still it can heal. 

But, I recommend investing in better meds—upgrading to morphine, hemostats, and higher-tier items will save you in a pinch. Morphine, for example, is faster and lasts longer than basic painkillers, making it worth the extra investment.

4. Play Smart

You don’t have to charge into every fight. While some say aggression is key, I’ve found that being smart with your moves is more important. There are times when pushing an enemy makes sense, like when you have the element of surprise. 

But if you’re solo against a squad, it’s better to take out one, gather info, and reposition. Not every fight needs to be yours—sometimes, it’s smarter to get your tasks done and extract safely.

5. Maintain Less Weight

How to Survive Raids in Escape From Tarkov - Less Weight

While looting and items are necessary, the more gear you carry, the slower and louder you become, making you an easier target.  Sometimes carrying less is smarter. 

If you’ve got a long run to extract, ditching excess gear or dropping your backpack can make all the difference in staying nimble. It’s not worth holding onto extra loot if it’s going to cost you your life. Stay light, stay fast, and you’ll win more fights.

6. Trust Your Gut

Many players just get comfortable and charge ahead without thinking. But with me, going by instinct can be a matter of life and death. If something feels off, don’t ignore it. This is a crucial part of learning how to survive raids in Escape from Tarkov. Trust your instincts.

If I hear footsteps or feel like someone is watching me, they probably are. Even if it’s just paranoia, acting on those instincts has saved me many times. If a situation feels wrong, switch up your strategy—move unpredictably, change your route, or wait it out.

7. Don’t Panic

No need to panic and open fire until it’s truly necessary. Rushing into panic only makes things worse, like when you fire too soon out of fear. 

Let’s say I have a bolt-action rifle and someone’s getting too close. If they haven’t seen me yet, the worst thing I could do is panic, shoot too quickly, and miss. Now they know I’m there, and I’ve wasted my moment. 

Instead, I take a deep breath and aim carefully. If they’re not looking my way, I have time. Panicking only guarantees failure. Stay calm until the real threat shows up.

8. It’s Okay To Step Back

Survival is the name of the game in Tarkov. Surviving sometimes means stepping back. One of the best lessons I have internalized from playing Escape from Tarkov is that it is perfectly okay to retreat from a fight.

At first, I was a simpleton who had to charge into each battle. However, that thinking tended to get me killed. Now if ever taken by surprise, or outnumbered, I back away and retreat. It is wise to pull back from something when all of the conditions of the fight are not with you. 

Using EFT Cheats (100 Words Section)

No lie, Escape from Tarkov can feel merciless, and coming back from raids empty-handed is all too common. That’s why serious players trust StealthCore’s EFT cheats. 

These tools are game-changers. With the precision of Aimbot, you will see your accuracy and survival rates soar. The ESP feature lets you spot enemies and loot through walls, giving you a major edge in every raid. And the advanced Exploits? They help you outsmart even the trickiest situations, making each raid a bit more manageable.

What’s great is that StealthCore’s cheats are 100% undetected, thanks to their advanced security. Lots of EFT players have been using them for over four years with zero issues. Plus, updates come fast, so you can stay ahead of new patches and competitors. 


Now you know how to survive raids in Escape from Tarkov. The key ingredient you need next I experience.

My final thought would be—when you’re passionate about something, like mastering Escape from Tarkov, the key is persistence and continuous improvement. Even if the game presents tough challenges, each attempt helps you get better and stay alive. 

Remember, survival in Tarkov is all about practice and learning from each experience. Following the tips above can surely help you learn how to survive the raids in Escape from Tarkov. 


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