All Bosses in Tarkov and How to Kill Them

All Bosses in Tarkov and How to Kill Them

Here are all bosses in Tarkov, their location, and the most efficient way of beating them.

Escape from Tarkov introduced the bosses that bring a new level of challenge. These bosses roam key locations, defending their territory with no mercy. These bosses don’t mess around—whether you’re sneaking through Customs and suddenly face Reshala’s crew or find yourself cornered by the Cultist Priest in the eerie fog of Shoreline, you know you’re in for a challenge.

Some bosses are alone, while others come with an entire crew to back them up, which ramps up the tension during encounters. What sets Tarkov apart is how these bosses can completely change the flow of a raid, either by creating high-stakes moments or forcing players to rethink their tactics. 

In this guide, we’ll get through all bosses in Tarkov—who they are, where they hang out, and most importantly, how to kill them. 

Guide to Killing All Bosses in Tarkov


Reshala is probably one of the first bosses you’ll run into in Tarkov, especially since he sticks to Customs, which is the go-to map for new players. He’s usually found at Dorms or New Gas Station, always surrounded by his four guards, the Zabotskys. These guys make the fight tougher than it needs to be, but once you’ve cleared them out, Reshala himself isn’t much of a threat. 

Since Reshala doesn’t wear armor or headgear, aiming for the head is the easiest way to take him down. He’s cocky but vulnerable, and sometimes his gear is just okay, but it’s always worth looting. When he’s at Dorms, you can lean through doorways to pick off his crew one by one. At New Gas, you can use peeks to snipe from a distance. 

Out of all the bosses in Tarkov, Reshala is one of the simpler ones to kill, as long as you take out his guards first.


The sniper boss of Escape from Tarkov and while some players find him easy to kill, he can be tricky for others. He hangs out around the Sawmill with two heavily armored guards, and the biggest challenge isn’t always him, it’s the other players who flock to the area with their own snipers. 

Woods is the perfect map to bring your sniper rifle, and you’ll need it to take down Shturman from a distance. Shturman doesn’t have great armor or health, but his long-range skills are deadly. He’ll fire warning shots when he spots you, and his next shot could be fatal if you don’t find cover fast. 

Look for him in the center of the Sawmill or by the three cabins. Once you’ve spotted him, don’t waste time lining up your shot—hit him before he hits you. 

The Goons (Knight, Birdeye, & Big Pipe) 

The Goons are a trio of terrifying bosses in Tarkov, made up of Knight, Birdeye, and Big Pipe. They can show up on Customs, Woods, Shoreline, or Lighthouse, and they always stick together. Knight is a heavy-hitter with insane armor and accuracy, Birdeye is a sniper who stays back to pick you off from a distance, and Big Pipe carries a grenade launcher, making close-range encounters deadly. 

What makes them even tougher is that the second you engage one, the others are immediately on your trail. All bosses in Tarkov are dangerous, but these three together are a real nightmare.

To kill The Goons, it’s best to move carefully and play with a squad. Each of them has different skills, so you’ll need to stay covered and plan your attack. If you’re caught off guard, their teamwork will make sure you don’t last long. 

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The boss of Factory, the smallest map in Tarkov. Tagilla is known for sprinting around with a giant sledgehammer, hunting players down. He doesn’t have any guards, but that doesn’t make him less dangerous. 

He’s covered in high-level armor, his head has level 5 protection, and his torso is covered with level 6 armor. But his legs and stomach are exposed, making them the best targets.

When facing Tagilla, keep your distance, or he’ll knock you out with his hammer. To kill him, use flesh ammo and aim for his legs. Shotguns and full-auto weapons work best since they can shred his exposed areas quickly. Don’t expect to catch him off guard, because Tagilla roams the map freely and will often find you first. 


Sanitar is a mad doctor boss on Shoreline, and he’s a real headache to deal with. You’ll find him at the resort, the pier, or the cottages, always with two or three heavily armed guards. Sanitar doesn’t wear armor, so landing good shots on him should be easy, but he’s a pro at healing. 

If you don’t kill him quickly, he’ll run off, heal himself with meds, and hit stims to make him even tougher when you face him again. His loot is mostly meds, including rare stims needed for tasks, and he often carries the valuable Tape Key. 

To take him down, focus on killing his guards first. Both Sanitar and his crew are great at healing, so don’t give them a chance to retreat and patch up. If he’s at the resort, prepare for a more challenging fight, but if he’s at the pier or cottages, you can try to snipe him from a distance. 


The other aggressive boss in Escape from Tarkov, Killa, the brother of Tagilla. He roams the Interchange map, and he will chase you down relentlessly, throwing grenades and firing without hesitation. 

You can find him almost anywhere on Interchange—whether it’s Ollie, Idea, Ultra, or even in the dark underground parking lot. His unpredictability makes him even scarier. Killa wears level 5 armor on his head and chest, which is why of all bosses in Tarkov, Killa is tough because of his speed and firepower.

Aiming for his exposed legs can help, but you’ll need a good weapon and ammo to stand a chance. It’s best to hold a defensive position and let Killa come to you, as being aggressive usually ends in disaster. 


Known as the toughest boss in EFT for many, and he’s not alone. You’ll find him on Reserve, the military base map, where he roams with up to six heavily armed guards. Glukhar can spawn in a few different spots, like the buildings near the helicopter, the train station, White Knight, Black Knight, or even in the underground bunkers. His guards are no joke—they come with high-level gear and aren’t afraid to use mounted weapons to take you out. 

To kill Glukhar, it’s best to stick to close-quarters combat since his crew can pick you off easily from a distance. Make sure you’re wearing strong armor because Reserve is one of the most dangerous maps. 


Partisan, the sneaky boss in Tarkov. He’s a combat veteran who loves to set up traps and ambushes, catching players off guard. You’ll find him hanging out on maps like Customs, Woods, Shoreline, and Lighthouse. His thing is booby traps and tripwires—he’s all about getting the upper hand without making much noise. Partisan isn’t a fan of other traders or bosses, except Jaeger, and he prefers to work alone.

If you’re after him, expect a quiet, tough fight. He’ll use the terrain to hide and advance his position, waiting for the right moment to spring his traps or toss a grenade. He’s great at staying hidden until it’s too late. To beat him, you’ll need to be smart and patient, and always check your surroundings. 


The boss you don’t want to mess with. He’s a former Russian SWAT leader (MVD) with a shady background, having ties with the local mafia. Now that Tarkov’s gone wild, he runs the streets with a bunch of elite guards, ready to take on anyone who crosses his path. You’ll find him in the urban areas, controlling key locations with his crew.

Taking down Kollontay isn’t easy. Start by picking off his guards first, so you can focus on him without distractions. Watch out for his tactical shield and that rubber baton, he’s a brute who can easily shove you around when you’re low on health. Use grenades to create distractions and try flanking him. Bring high-penetration rounds to cut through his armor and shield.


Kaban is a boss you’ll find on the Streets of Tarkov, specifically around the LexOs car dealership. He’s heavily guarded, with two bodyguards (Basmach and Gus), several snipers on the roof, and more guards inside. His crew isn’t the only problem, though—there are claymores scattered all over the place, so you’ll need to move slowly and carefully as you approach.

Kaban only spawns 5% of the time, so you might clear out the area and still not find him. But if he’s there, it’s best to take out his guards first. Watch out for Gus and Basmach trying to push you back during the fight. Slow right-hand peeks can help you stay hidden longer, and bringing a squad will make things much easier. 

Cultists Priest 

An elusive boss in Escape from Tarkov, only showing up at night with a very low spawn chance—about 2% on some maps, the Cultists Priest. You can encounter him on Customs, Factory (at night), Woods, and Shoreline. He leads a group of three to five cultists, hiding in the shadows, and they won’t attack until provoked. 

The Priest is the real danger here, wielding a poisoned knife that keeps hurting you even after the fight. Out of all the bosses in Tarkov, the Cultist Priest is one of the creepiest and hardest to track down.

To kill the Cultist Priest, take out a few of his guards first, but be careful—they’ll shoot back hard once engaged. Always have your angles covered, stay in the light, and don’t let them get the jump on you. 


One of the newer sniper bosses in Escape from Tarkov is Zyrachiy, and you can encounter him patrolling the Lighthouse area on the new Lighthouse map. These assets make Zyrachiy an extremely dangerous player though, equipped with a thermal scope and the best bolt-action sniper in the game. He is quite hard to get through given that he can defend his narrow position well at the time different players reach him. 

To kill Zyrachiy, it’s best to bring two friends along for backup. Each of you should target either Zyrachiy or one of his two guards from a distance. Be careful, though—his guards can respawn if Zyrachiy isn’t killed quickly. 


That’s a wrap on our guide to all bosses in Tarkov. Facing these fearsome bosses demands more than just good gear; it takes solid knowledge of their tactics and confidence in your skills. Whether you’re hunting them down or just trying to survive, knowing how to approach each boss makes all the difference.

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If you want to have a fat stash and more successful extractions or become a better Tarkov player in general, make sure you check out our guides.


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