
Category: League of Legends Blog Posts

Explore in-depth articles, guides, and updates on everything related to League of Legends, from gameplay strategies to patch updates.

L9 – The Most Infamous LoL Club (2021)

LoL L9, or fully Low Nine is an EU west club of high-ranked players known for their exceptional gameplay, but also their toxicity. They made huge followings for themselves by trolling games, flaming other players, and even sending personal threats to their teammates. Going from trollers, flamers, and even elo boosters now they’re either professional high MMR players or streamers. Who Created lol L9? RATIRL and Obsess created L9. Their intentions were to troll high elo players and gain popularity over Twitter that way. Although, the pair didn’t think they would blow up on Twitter in such a short span. Selfmademan and Ap0calypse joined the

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How to get better at league of legends

In this article we are going to discuss how to get better at league of legends and thereby also climb up the ranked ladder. I want to emphasize that these two goals are not completely connected, a player can easily climb by using a strategy that exploits a tendency in a specific bracket and subsequently gain additional rating without directly improving at the game. With that said, receiving additional rating will cause you do face stronger opponent, and to be forced to improve. Concluding, the most effective way to climb in conjunction with improvement might be to; use beneficial strategies to climb over hurdles as

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Top 5 Best Assassins In League of Legends Season 12

Ever felt like this season wasn’t the best for the assassin class? You aren’t the only one, it seems like all the other categories are better in Season 12. But when played correctly assassins can still become overly oppressive. We are here to provide you with the Top 5 Best Assassins In League of Legends patch 12.5b so you can finally take control of your games. What are assassins in League of Legends? Assassins in League of Legends are the most despised group of champions causing players in all ranks to seethe out their mouths. Either taking over the game or being the reason for

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Mid lane Beginner Guide: 5 Tips To Get Better Instantly

League of Legends is such a complicated game with such a high skill-ceiling. With that in mind, we have come up with a comprehensive mid lane beginner guide to help newbies get a better grasp of each lane and learn what it takes to be a great mid-laner. The mid-lane is probably the lane with the most impact in the game. Being a strong mid-laner allows you to control the entire map and flow of the game, thus helping you climb the rank ladder and get better LoL MMR. On the other hand, the mid-laner also carries the most responsibilities and is the one most

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Top 3 Best Marksman In League of Legends Season 12

The marksman role has been through a lot in the recent years, from normal marksman being so bad that they were outshone by mages in the botlane. Marksmans in the current meta are in a good state. You don’t need to run Ziggs bot to be impactful anymore. We’re here to provide the Top 3 Best Marksman In League of Legends Season 12 so you can hard carry in the bot lane. The marksman class is usually filled with ADC’s (attack damage carries). These ADC’s are able to carry games solo once they reach the most deciding parts of the game — mid-late game teamfights. 

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3 Ways on How to Get an S in League of Legends Every Game

Getting an S in League of Legends after a game is one of the most satisfying and rewarding achievements in the game. When you get an S in League, not only does it give you more Blue Essence and EXP but it also gives more mastery points to your champion so you can earn that shining blue Level 7 badge. Not to mention League of Legends rewards you with a mystery Hextech chest for every fist S you get in a champion every season. So an S in League of Legends means more loot, more rewards, more skins, and more victories. Every League player strives

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Top Three League Twitch streamers in 2022

This article will show you the top League twitch streamers in 2022. League of Legends is a multiple online battle arena game that was released in 2009 by RIOT games. It had enormous potential back in the time, and it is living that same potential today, with 100 million playing it as of today! The game offers adrenaline and lots of thrill either from watching or playing it. The top League Twitch streamers are here to help you learn more about the game. You need to use lots of tactics to destroy the Nexus, the final goal to win the game. You can choose from

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Low ELO- tips and tricks on how to get out of it

 As a League players, almost all of us have encountered low elo. Most importantly, all of us have asked the same question: How to get out of low elo? Essentially, the elo is what the matchmaking system in League uses to determine your opponents. You cannot see it, but you can assume where you stand in this matter when it comes to your opponents and their rankings. And it is truly frustrating when you think you can do better, but your teammates decide to “troll” and to grief just because they “feel like it”. League was not so serious in the past in punishing these

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Top 9 Best LoL Mage Champions In Season 13

Mages are a popular champion class in League of Legends, known for their immense magical power and ability to deal damage from range. With over 150 champions in League, there are plenty of mages to choose from. But which ones stand out as the best in Season 13? In this article, we count down the top 9 mage champions based on their overall power, viability in the meta, and potential to carry games. Whether you’re a seasoned mid-laner or just want to try out a new mage, this list has you covered. The champions on this list have the damage, crowd control, and utility to

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The Story of Doublelift – From Homeless to Pro!

his is the story of Doublelift, one of the best ADC’s in the League. Every League player has heard of Doublelift. He is one of the most efficient ADC’s that has ever played the game. But there are some people that do not know how he made it. This is his life journey and the obstacles he had to pass in order to make it. It would be normal to assume that he had the easy way, a Korean guy that knew his way into video games and somehow managed to climb to where he is now. But the story is much different. Early beginnings-

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